Trend Arlington Community Garden Handbook
The Garden Handbook is a living document. As the garden develops and lessons are learned we intend to incorporate lessons and feedback into the way we operate. For any comments questions or concerns, please email taca.garden@gmail.com
Project Status
Our last update included a timeline that needs some adjustment and we'd like to welcome many new subscribers who signed up after seeing our mailbox posters.
For everyone who's signed up thank you for your interest and patience. We're so excited by the level of interest and the desire by everyone who signed up to learn about gardening and contribute to this project in one way or another. We live in such a wonderful community and this garden space will only make it better.
As you know, last year our project was abruptly halted as the City pulled its notional approval for the site plan. This was a result of several factors that changed the existing use of the field in question, not insignificantly, TACA’s own proposal for a new Pavillion adjacent to the community centre.
It was a disappointing fall and winter for both TACA and our partners at Just Food. Luckily, our partners at Just Food are very engaged in the project and through late winter, they re-engaged the City of Ottawa to work together on determining a site plan that would suit their needs. We have received more guidance about how to adjust our plan to meet the City requirements (draft screenshot above).
In consideration of the above, here's the latest:
1) Community Members who signed up last year will have first right to an allotment (subject to being able to implement at least the same number of first phase beds).
2) We are unlikely to have a full 2022 gardening season. We are however confident that the beds will get built by this fall allowing us to have a full 2023 season. If our timeline can be improved we’ll update the community here.
3) We are developing a 'build day' plan to ensure we can draw on the wonderful report we've received from everyone in lending a hand to build the garden. A separate mailer for those who've expressed interest will happen later.4) We have transported our dry white pine lumber to Access Storage until build day. We will build as many beds as we can using lumber from downed white pines in our community.
So what will happen next?
1) Meet with Just Food and City to finalize approval of the site plan
2) Finalize Community Garden grant application with Just Food to secure additional funding
3) Determine build day and enlist volunteers
4) A launch day will be set following the determination of build day plan
Community Garden
In a partnership with the City of Ottawa, Hydro One, and Just Food, the Trend Arlington Community Association (“TACA”) is pursuing a Community Garden located close to the TACA building. This will provide residents with the opportunity to grow their own vegetables in a community setting and gain hands-on education about gardening.
The TACA community garden is a community effort. All plot owners are considered garden volunteers and as part of the Community Garden community, garden volunteers are asked to sign up for certain minor tasks and duties to keep the garden site clean, organized and with a stable water supply.
Garden volunteers are also asked to donate a portion of their growth to a local food cupboard through TACA.
How are beds allocated?
● A fixed number of beds will be built (between 20-40)
If interest exceeds available beds, results will be determined using a random lottery system
Who Can Apply?
● Residents of the Community
● Neighbourhood groups or Service organizations *
* Residents of the community will receive priority - if beds remain available, other applications will be considered
What does it cost?**
● $25 per allotment bed (4’X8’) per year
**Low income households may be eligible to receive a bed at no cost
I’m interested!