In keeping with the Year of the Garden for the benefit of residents in Trend Arlington, TACA has partnered with JustFood to distribute free seed bundles and a 22 Cubic Yard load of soil to up to 90 households experiencing financial or other socioeconomic barriers.
In addition to our ongoing work to develop a community garden, and host the Ecology Ottawa Tree Giveaway, TACA is engaging on this alternative to benefit under-served members of our community.
TACA will be reaching out with a promotion campaign to generate interest and provide more information however information regarding eligibility can be found below:
Recipient Household Qualifications:
Households that receive seeds and/or soil must meet the following qualifications:
Is an Ottawa resident
Agrees to complete the Registration Form
Faces income-related or other significant social-economic barriers to accessing food and/or gardening
Has growing space (a larger apartment balcony for container growing or a small space for a home garden) and the desire to grow food
Has capacity to pick up seeds and soil (soil containers, ability to carry a heavy load, vehicle/wheelbarrow, etc.) Note: anyone who faces a barrier (physical or financial) to picking up soil and seed can request assistance from TACA
Brings three blue / black recycling bins, or other containers adding up to a similar size, to pick up the soil
If you are a qualifying household and have any questions, please reach out to Justin (
Your information will be kept in confidence subject to any limitations which may be necessary to support your participation in the program.